Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A nice email

FROM: Moody, J. Ward
TO: J. Henrie
Tuesday, October 25, 2011 7:56 PM
SUBJECT: Thank you


The article you did on me last week was remarkable. Thank you for being so skilled and conscientious. I felt you correctly captured the essence of what I said and am grateful for your painting a positive portrait of me. I continue to get good feedback on it. I wish you the very best as you continue your studies and ask that you inform your advisors that I felt you were in all aspects exactly what a journalist should be. Yes, the piece was designed to be positive and that makes me feel good. But more than that I felt that even if you were assigned to report on a controversial topic, you would be fair and honest.

One question. Is it possible to get a digital copy of my published picture?


J. Ward Moody

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I usually don't share these, but

I'm really proud of my latest article for work, so even though I rarely post my PR articles on this blog, I decided to share it with you anyway. I hope the videos included at the end bring a smile to your face just as they bring a smile to mine. Enjoy!