J.M. Henrie

J.M. Henrie wrote her first newspaper by hand when she was six years old. She made up stories recounting the adventures of her many stuffed animals (most of which were canine in nature), drew comics and prepared the final product for delivery by folding and rolling them up just like real papers, then delivered them hot off the press to her community of dog friends. As she grew older, she thought about pursuing many careers: joining the U.S. Marine Corps, working at Arctic Circle, becoming a veterinarian... But in between she always came back to writing, and at last as a senior in high school, she accepted her inevitable fate- journalism.
"It was either going to be journalism or English," she likes to say, "and I didn't want to be an English major."
For her, this blog is a portfolio, an outlet and a learning experience all in one. She realizes that many of the older posts, which were published during her first semester at BYU, are badly written. She also reserves the right to change her more radical opinions as she grows spiritually, intellectually and- shall we say- journalistically. Although at this point she lacks experience, she has always and will always take what she writes seriously.