Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What is journalism? Who is a journalist?

Journalism: the fourth estate. The voice for the voiceless and a bug in the ear of the powerful.

Ideal journalism is truth. A story somebody decides is important, then writes and presents it in a way easily understood by readers. Journalists strive to overcome their biases and be useful to the public by reporting things as they are; what's really going on. Journalism is at its best when a story brings about positive change and betters the lives of the people they serve.

Journalists are the people who go out and do things; they investigate, interview and observe. Their work is professional and as well thought out and unbiased as possible. You don't have to be paid or go to a journalism school to be a journalist. You do have to do your own work.

A lot of people (bloggers come to mind) will take news from official sites or articles and interpret it, put their own spin on it. More power to them! The more voices are heard, the better I believe our country can become. But there's a difference between commenting on news and writing the news. A big one. Commentators are not journalists.

Though I don't agree with everything she said, a classmate of mine, Kimberly, wrote an outstanding piece about what journalism is to her. Well worth reading.


  1. Wonderful blog! I love the thought of journalists being "a bug in the ear of the powerful"!

  2. You're right! Journalists are always on the go! What better way than to get out there where news is happening? Great entry.
